How we got here
Gary D. Nitzkin, P.C. used to be a small debt collection firm. We had 4 attorneys and a support staff of 8. We represented banks, lenders and even hospitals.
One day, Gary went to court to defend a default judgment that the firm obtained against someone, on behalf of Children’s Hospital. At the default hearing, Gary learned how he was hurting people, in the name of money, to make a living. He got out of the debt collection business that day.
A week later, a lady came to him, the victim of identity theft and her credit report was a mess. Using the Fair Credit Reporting Act, he got his client’s credit report cleaned up and discovered that he loved helping people and also making them money. Gary has focused his practice on helping people deal with debt collectors, collection agencies in addition to fixing credit reporting issues. Funny how things happen, right?

Gary Nitzkin
Attorney – Licensed in Michigan Only
Gary Nitzkin, a Credit Repair Attorney with Credit Repair Lawyers of America. Gary have been practicing law since 1990 and have been suing the credit bureaus regularly, since 2008.
He formed this firm to fix your credit, stop debt collectors from harassing you and to clean your credit report when you have been victimized by identity theft. I love to try cases when defendants are not reasonable. “When I am not practicing law, you can find me sailing, training in karate, or golfing.”
Monday – Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday
By Appointment
Call Us Today: 216-358-0591